Friday, May 28, 2010

Ultimate Idealist - Jawaharlal Nehru

1889: Born in Allahabad. Grows up in an influential political family with European governesses and tutors.
1907-10: Takes the Tripos in Natural Sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge and joins Inner Temple, London.
1912: Returns to India. Joins the Allahabad High Court Bar. 

1916: Marries Kamala Kaul. Their only child, Indira, is born the next year. 
1919: The turning point in his life. While travelling on a train, he overhears General Dyer gloating over the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Nehru vows to fight the British. 
1920: Begins public career in the United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). Attends special session of Congress at Calcutta as a delegate. 1930s: Forms the left wing of the Congress -- the Congress Socialist Party.
1937: Post-electoral victory of the Congress, Nehru disagrees to a coalition with the Muslim League. Also refuses to join hands with Fazul Haque's Krishak Party as well, throwing Punjab and Bengal into the waiting arms of the League.
1938-39: Openly supports Gandhian philosophy in the Gandhi-S.C. Bose rift. Bose resigns as Congress president.
1946: Declares that the Cabinet Mission Plan would be altered once Congress is in power. Sparks insecurity in the League, leading to Jinnah's call for Direct Action.
1947: Nehru becomes the first prime minister of Independent India.
1950s: Charts the course of India's development with his Five-Year Plan. Entrusts responsibility of mobilising resources to the public sector.
1950s: Nehru outlines his foreign policy with disarmament as its focus. He spearheads the Non-Aligned Movement. The debacle with China in 1962 makes him realises he cannot ignore brewing tensions in neighbouring countries. Foreign policy is accordingly redefined. 1964: Dies in Delhi.

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