Monday, May 31, 2010

Fastest super computer - China

China has developed a super computer that runs at more than one quadrillion (one thousand million million) calculations per second, making it the fastest one in the country, experts have said

The super computer named "Xingyun", has been developed in Tianjin, and works at double the speed of "Tianhe-1", the previous fastest machine in China.

The Tianhe-1 was developed by the National University of Defence Technology in October 2009, Li Jun, president of the Dawning Information Industry Co. Ltd., was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

"Its peak performance reaches nearly three quadrillion calculations per second, three times the peak speed of Tianhe-1," Li said.

Experts say one second of its work may take a whole day for a dual-core personal computer.

"Xingyun" is the server of "Dawning 6000", jointly developed by the company, Chinese Academy of Sciences Calculation Institution, and the South China Supercomputing Centre, for cloud computing and DNA sequencing purposes, officials said.

By the end of 2010, "Dawning 6000" will be delivered to the National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen in Guangdong province for use in information services in southern China, including Hong Kong and Macao.

Beijing-based Dawning Information Industry Co. Ltd. was founded in 1995 and is the country's leading company in the field of high-performance computers.
From : NDTV.....

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev - Living Spritual in India

About Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is a world-renowned mystic and yogi of Indian origin. The founder of Isha Yoga as well as of Isha Foundation, he is also a very famous poet. His aim in life is to help people in manifesting their own spirituality. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has several yoga centers, set up in the various cities of India as well as the United States. He was a delegate to the United Nations Millennium World Peace Summit and even participated at the World Economic Forum in 2006 & 2007. Read this biography to know more about the guru.

His Life History
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev was born in Mysore city of India, to a physician father. Right from childhood, Vasudev was quite different from the others. At the tender age of thirteen years, he started yogic practices, like Pranayams and Asanas, under the guidance of Shree Raghavendra Rao (Malladihalli Swami). He completed his graduation from the Mysore University of Karnataka. When Vasudev was twenty-five years old, he witnessed an unusual incident that led him away from the material things in life and towards renunciation.

One afternoon, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev went to the Chamundi hills and sat on a rock with his eyes wide open. Suddenly, he had an out of body experience. He felt as if he was not in his body anymore, rather spread out everywhere, in the rocks, in the trees, in the earth. By the time he came back to his senses, it was already evening. In the days that followed, Vasudev experienced the same situated again, a number of times. Whenever, he underwent such an experience, he went without food and sleep for the next three or four days.

This episode entirely changed his way of life. Jaggi Vasudev decided to dedicate his entire life to the sharing of those experiences. In the year 1992, the guru and his followers founded the Isha Yoga Center and Ashram. It is situated at the foothills of the sacred Velliangiri Mountains at Poondi, near Coimbatore. The center is spread over an area of 50 acres and houses a massive 13 ft Dhyanalingam, a meditation shrine. There is also a multi-religious temple inside the complex, which was completed in 1999.

It is said that the Dhyanalingam has curative powers and bestows well being and prosperity. Since it is a meditation shrine, it is believed to be reservoir of energies from the people who have meditated there. People can sit inside the Dhyanalingam and meditate for as much time as they want. Isha Yoga Center also houses the Isha Foundation. Started by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, the foundation administers more than 25 yoga centers, a medical center and an orphanage in India, apart from three yoga centers in the United States.

Isha Yoga
Isha Yoga is basically a form of science, which is subtle yet very powerful. It is based on the principle in which the body is believed to be the temple of the spirit. At the same time, good health is considered as fundamental to physical as well as spiritual development. The main aim of Isha Yoga is to cultivate and promote best possible health, along with peace and calmness. It intends to assist the natural process of unfolding in each and every person. The inner chemistry of a person is changed to release the physical, mental and emotional blocks.

Lao Tzu: Father of Taoism


604? - 531? B.C.E. * Historians of Taoism debate the birth date of Lao Tzu, due to lack of historical evidence.


Lao Tzu is often credited with forming the basic texts of Taoist Philosophy, known as the Tao Te Ching (The Way and Its Power). The Tao Te Ching is a collection of over 80 poems, describing the importance of Taoism and its meaning. It is believed Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching on a trip to Tibet, after meeting several men who felt they didn’t have any purpose in life. Lao Tzu felt theses men needed guidance and a path to follow, and he believed Taoism was the answer.


Lao Tzu believed the world was in perfect order, but man’s actions did not correspond with the flow of the universe. Man stood against cosmic order. Lao Tzu stressed that humans should do "nothing;" meaning they had to follow "The Way" of the universe known as Tao. Doing "nothing" really meant letting nature take its course. It also meant that humans cannot process knowledge of everything.

Did Lao Tzu believe in deities or gods?

While many deities are associated with Religious Taoism, Lao Tzu did not elaborate on a specific god/ gods in his philosophical texts. Rather, he believed Tao, "The Way," was the key force controlling the motion of the universe. Tao was not something that could be seen or touched, but remained transparent in nature.

Did "Lao Tzu" really exist?

Some Taoist historians argue that Lao Tzu did not exist, but was an alias several authors used while comprising the Tao Te Ching. Since Lao Tzu’s past is largely unknown, and mostly that of speculation, it is possible that these philosophical texts were written by a group of scholars under one name.

Famous Lao Tzu Quotes:

"When virtue is lost, benevolence appears, when benevolence is lost right conduct appears, when right conduct is lost, expedience appears. Expediency is the mere shadow of right and truth; it is the beginning of disorder."
"Treat those who are good with goodness, and also treat those who are not good with goodness. Thus goodness is attained. Be honest to those who are honest, and be also honest to those who are not honest. Thus honesty is attained."
"The sage does not hoard. The more he helps others, the more he benefits himself, The more he gives to others, the more he gets himself. The Way of Heaven does one good but never does one harm. The Way of the sage is to act but not to compete."
"Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power."

Paramahansa Yogananda - Spritual Master

About Paramahansa Yogananda
Guru Paramahansa Yogananda was one of the distinguished yogis of India. He was the one responsible for taking the teachings of meditation and Kriya Yoga to the western countries. He was also the author of a very renowned book 'Autobiography of a Yogi', which has introduced people time and again to the timeless wisdom of India. Read on to explore the biography of Guru Paramhansa Yogananda further…

Early Life
One can easily know about the life history of Paramahamsa Yogananda in his book 'The Autobiography of a Yogi'. He was born as Mukunda Lal Ghosh in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, into a Bengali family. From a very young age, Mukunda demonstrated great awareness about the spiritual realm. His youth was mostly spent in finding a guru (teacher), who could provide him with guidance and correctly direct him towards the path of spirituality.

Meeting Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
The search of Paramhansa Yogananda came to an end when he met Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. At that point of time, he was only seventeen years of age. Thereafter, he completed his Intermediate (in Arts) from the Scottish Church College, Calcutta and did his graduation (in religious studies) from the Serampore College, Calcutta University.

Joining the Monastic Swami Order
In 1915, Paramahansa Yogananda formally joined the monastic Swami Order by taking his vows. He, thus, became 'Swami Yogananda Giri'. Paramhansa started his journey in the world of spirituality by establishing a boy's school, Dihika, in a remote hamlet of Bengal. The school got relocated to Ranchi a year later and today it is known as Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, the Indian branch of Yogananda's American organization.

Other Events in the Life of Paramahansa Yogananda
Paramhansa visited USA in 1920 as an Indian delegate, to attend the International Congress of Religious Liberals, being held in Boston. In the same year, he established Self-Realization Fellowship, a vehicle for preaching Yoga and meditation worldwide. He spent the next few years abroad, teaching Yoga and its philosophy. In 1925, he set up the headquarters of the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles. In 1935, he came to India and established Yogoda Satsanga of India. He also visited Mahatma Gandhi and a number of famous personalities during that time. He went back to USA the next year and it was there that he completed his journey in this world, in the year 1952.

Autobiography of a Yogi
Paramahamsa Yogananda wrote his own life story by the name of 'Autobiography of a Yogi', in the year 1946. It served as a major vehicle for the introduction and promotion of meditation and yoga in the western countries. Till date, it has been translated into almost 18 languages and still counts amongst the bestsellers. In the book, Yogananda has tried to explain certain verses and events of the Bible, along with his rendezvous with a number of leading spiritual personalities.

bruce lee vs. chuck norris

Ultimate Idealist - Sardar Patel

Born: October 31, 1875
Died: December 15, 1950
Achievements: Successfully led Kheda Satyagraha and Bardoli revolt against British government; elected Ahmedabad's municipal president in 1922, 1924 and 1927; elected Congress President in 1931; was independent India's first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister; played a key role in political integration of India; conferred Bharat Ratna in 1991.

Sardar Patel was popularly known as Iron Man of India. His full name was Vallabhbhai Patel. He played a leading role in the Indian freedom struggle and became the first Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of India. He is credited with achieving political integration of India.

Vallabhbhai Patel was born on October 31, 1875 in Nadiad, a small village in Gujarat. His father Jhaverbhai was a farmer and mother Laad Bai was a simple lady. Sardar Vallabhai's early education took place in Karamsad. Then he joined a school in Petlad. After two years he joined a high school in a town called Nadiad. He passed his high school examination in 1896. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was a brilliant student throughout his schooling.

Vallabhbhai wanted to become a barrister. To realize this ambition he had to go to England. But he did not have the financial means to even join a college India. In those days a candidate could study in private and sit for an examination in Law. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel borrowed books from a lawyer of his acquaintance and studied at home. Occasionally he attended courts of law and listened attentively to the arguments of lawyer. Vallabhbhai passed the Law examination with flying colours.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel started his Law practice in Godhra. Soon his practice flourished. He got married to Jhaberaba. In 1904, he got a baby daughter Maniben, and in 1905 his son Dahyabhai was born. Vallabhbhai sent his elder brother Vitthalbhai, who himself was a lawyer, to England for higher studies in Law. Patel was only thirty-three years old when his wife died. He did not wish to marry again. After his brother's return, Vallabhbhai went to England. He studied with single-minded devotion and stood first in the Barrister-at-Law Examination.

Sardar Patel returned to India in 1913 and started his practice in Ahmedabad. Soon he became popular. At the urging of his friends, Patel contested and won elections to become the sanitation commissioner of Ahmedabad in 1917. Sardar Patel was deeply impressed by Gandhiji's success in Champaran Satyagraha. In 1918, there was a drought in the Kheda division of Gujarat. Peasants asked for relief from the high rate of taxes but the British government refused. Gandhiji took up peasants cause but could not devote his full time in Kheda. He was looking for someone who could lead the struggle in his absence. At this point Sardar Patel volunteered to come forward and lead the struggle. He gave up his lucrative legal practice and entered public life.

Vallabhbhai successfully led peasants revolt in Kheda and the revolt ended in 1919 when the British government agreed to suspend collection of revenue and roll back the rates. Kheda Satyagraha turned Vallabhbhai Patel into a national hero. Vallabhbhai supported Gandhi's Non-Cooperation Movement, and as president of the Gujarat Congress, helped in organizing bonfires of British goods in Ahmedabad. He gave up his English clothes and started wearing Khadi. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was elected Ahmedabad's municipal president in 1922, 1924 and 1927. During his terms, Ahmedabad was extended a major supply of electricity and underwent major education reforms. Drainage and sanitation systems were extended over all the city.

In 1928, Bardoli Taluka in Gujarat suffered from floods and famine. In this hour of distress the British government raised the revenue taxes by thirty percent. Sardar Patel took up cudgels on behalf of the farmers and appealed to the Governor to reduce the taxes. The Governor refused and the government even announced the date of the collection of the taxes. Sardar Patel organized the farmers and told them not to pay even a single pie of tax. The government tried to repress the revolt but ultimately bowed before Vallabhbhai Patel. It was during the struggle and after the victory in Bardoli that caused intense excitement across India, that Patel was increasingly addressed by his colleagues and followers as Sardar.

Disobedience Movement in 1930. After the signing of Gandhi-Irwin pact in 1931, Sardar Patel was released and he was elected Congress president for its 1931 session in Karachi. Upon the failure of the Round Table Conference in London, Gandhiji and Sardar Patel were arrested in January 1932 and imprisoned in the Yeravada Central Jail. During this term of imprisonment, Sardar Patel and Mahatma Gandhi grew close to one another, and the two developed a close bond of affection, trust, and frankness without reserve. Sardar Patel was finally released in July 1934.

In August 1942, the Congress launched the Quit India Movement. The government jailed all the important leaders of the Congress, including Vallabhai Patel. All the leaders were released after three years. After achieving independence on 15th of August 1947, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of independent India and Sardar Patel became the Deputy Prime Minister. He was in charge of Home Affairs, Information and Broadcasting and the Ministry of States.

There were 565 princely states in India at that time. Some of the Maharajas and Nawabs who ruled over these were sensible and patriotic. But most of them were drunk with wealth and power. They were dreaming of becoming independent rulers once the British quit India. They argued that the government of free India should treat them as equals. Some of them went to the extent of planning to send their representatives to the United Nations Organization. Patel invoked the patriotism of India's monarchs, asking them to join in the freedom of their nation and act as responsible rulers who cared about the future of their people. He persuaded the princes of 565 states of the impossibility of independence from the Indian republic, especially in the presence of growing opposition from their subjects. With great wisdom and political foresight, he consolidated the small kingdoms. The public was with him. He tackled the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Nawab of Junagarh who initially did not want to join India. Sardar Patel's untiring efforts towards the unity of the country brought success. He united a scattered nation without much bloodshed. Due to the achievement of this massive task, Sardar Patel got the title of 'Iron Man'. Sardar Patel died of cardiac arrest on December 15, 1950. For his services to the nation Sardar Patel was conferred with Bharat Ratna in 1991.

Osho Rajneesh Life

About Osho Rajneesh
Osho was one of the most renowned as well as most controversial spiritual leaders of his times. During the 1970s and 1980s, he was known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Later, he changed his name to 'Osho'. He was the founder of Osho movement, a controversial spiritual and philosophical movement.

Early Life
Osho, also known as the Zen Master, was born as Rajneesh Chandra Mohan Jain on 11th December 1931, in Narsinghpur District of Madhya Pradesh. Even though he was born to parents of Jain religion, he never adhered to any particular religious faith in his lifetime. Throughout hid childhood, Osho came across as a highly intellectual, but rebellious student. One of the major influences in his life were his grandfather and grandmother, with whom he spent the first seven years of his life.

Receiving Enlightenment
As per Osho, he received enlightenment in the year 1953, at the age of 21. Thereafter, he finished his graduation and post graduation in Philosophy from D. N. Jain College, Saugar University. For a few years, he taught philosophy, first at Raipur Sanskrit College, and then, at Jabalpur University. During that time, he traveled throughout the country, giving lectures on socialism and Gandhi. The first meditation camp was organized by Osho in 1964. In 1966, he quit his job as a professor and then onwards, started his journey as one of the greatest spiritual leaders of India.

Establishment of Osho Foundation
The followers and disciples of Osho established a foundation in his name, in the year 1969. The headquarters of the foundation was set up on the ground floor of a building in Mumbai. Later, due to space constraints and the bad weather of Mumbai, the headquarters were shifted to the Koregaon Park, Pune. The ashram is today known as Osho International Meditation Resort.

Period of Public Silence
After giving discourses on a daily basis for a period of almost 15 years, Osho went into a three-and-a-half-year period of public silence in the year 1981. During that period, his discourses were replaced by satsangs (silent sitting, with some readings from his works and music). The public silence came to an end in 1984 and he resumed his daily discourses once again.

The Last World Tour
In 1985-86, Osho went on a world tour to spread the understanding of spirituality. After being refused by a number of countries, he came back to India in 1986. From 1987, he again started giving discourses at his ashram in Pune. Osho forfeited the name of 'Bhagwan Rajneesh' in the year 1989 and took the name of Osho. Osho breathed his last in 1990, at the age of 58.

Zen Master Osho
Osho is also known as the Zen (concentration) Master as he managed to attain a very high level of meditative trance.

Osho Philosophy
As per Osho, there is nothing more valuable or precious in this world than love, meditation and laughter. Enlightenment the normal state in which a human being lives. It is because of being bounded in the emotional ties that he fails to recognize this state. Meditation is not something that needs to be taught, it is the state of just being.

Osho Dham
Osho Dham at Pune is known as Osho International Meditation Resort. People from various parts of the country as well as the world come to this ashram or dham to learn meditation or even just relax and rejuvenate.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Ultimate Idealist - Jawaharlal Nehru

1889: Born in Allahabad. Grows up in an influential political family with European governesses and tutors.
1907-10: Takes the Tripos in Natural Sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge and joins Inner Temple, London.
1912: Returns to India. Joins the Allahabad High Court Bar. 

1916: Marries Kamala Kaul. Their only child, Indira, is born the next year. 
1919: The turning point in his life. While travelling on a train, he overhears General Dyer gloating over the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Nehru vows to fight the British. 
1920: Begins public career in the United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh). Attends special session of Congress at Calcutta as a delegate. 1930s: Forms the left wing of the Congress -- the Congress Socialist Party.
1937: Post-electoral victory of the Congress, Nehru disagrees to a coalition with the Muslim League. Also refuses to join hands with Fazul Haque's Krishak Party as well, throwing Punjab and Bengal into the waiting arms of the League.
1938-39: Openly supports Gandhian philosophy in the Gandhi-S.C. Bose rift. Bose resigns as Congress president.
1946: Declares that the Cabinet Mission Plan would be altered once Congress is in power. Sparks insecurity in the League, leading to Jinnah's call for Direct Action.
1947: Nehru becomes the first prime minister of Independent India.
1950s: Charts the course of India's development with his Five-Year Plan. Entrusts responsibility of mobilising resources to the public sector.
1950s: Nehru outlines his foreign policy with disarmament as its focus. He spearheads the Non-Aligned Movement. The debacle with China in 1962 makes him realises he cannot ignore brewing tensions in neighbouring countries. Foreign policy is accordingly redefined. 1964: Dies in Delhi.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Indira Priyadarshani Gandhi : Iron Lady Of India

Deprived of normal childhood

Gandhi was born November 19, 1917, in Allahabad, India, to Jawaharlal and Kamala Nehru. Her life was drastically changed in 1919 when her wealthy and prominent family was visited by Mohandas Gandhi, the pacifist leader of the Indian freedom movement. Recently returned from exile in South Africa, he converted her parents to the cause of Indian independence Constant meetings and the frequent absence of Gandhi's parents deprived her of a normal childhood. Though she was spoiled by her grandfather Motilal, Gandhi later recalled she felt "insecure." She was four years old when her father and grandfather were first jailed for their activities, then the jailings, which also included her mother, became frequent.

Shows independent spirit

Because of the insecurities of her childhood Gandhi hardened herself and resolved not to be hurt, as her mother had been, She grew up as a solemn, precocious child whose games were related to the fight against Britain. For example, at age 11 she organized the Monkey Brigade. Imitating the Monkey army in the epic Indian story Ramayana, While she was in school in Poona in the 1930s She once commented that Gandhi "was always present in my life; he played an enormous role in my development.


India had been ruled by England for over a century prior to its independence in 1947. While the British hadbuilt many roads, schools, and hospitals, they had also acted as a superior colonial power. The Indians greatly resented British control. The organized struggle for freedom began early in this century and grew until after World War II, which ended in 1945, when the British finally realized they could no longer hold India. The ascension of a woman, Indira Gandhi, to the highest position in the world's most populous democracy was especially significant for Indian women, who had traditionally been subservient to men. In addition, she was also an inspiration to people in other Third World nations.